JLINC Core Data Schema

version 1 - September 26, 2019

Property Expected Type Description
email String An email address.
firstname Text A person's first (given) name.
lastname Text A person's surname.
salutation Text A person's desired salutation.
birthdate String A person's birthdate and optionally birthtime in RFC 3339 format.
gender Text A person's gender.
mailingstreet Text A street name and number or other address description for postal purposes.
mailingcity Text A city name for postal purposes.
mailingstate Text A state, province, county or other area designation for postal purposes.
mailingpostalcode Text An area postal code.
mailingcountry Text A country name or code designation for postal purposes.
homephone String A landline phone number.
mobilephone String A mobile phone number.
faxnumber String A fax phone number.
businessname Text A business name.
businessindustry Text An industry name associated with a business.
businesstitle Text A person's business title associated with a business.
businessstreet Text A business street name and number or other address description for postal purposes.
businesscity Text A business city name for postal purposes.
businessstate Text A business state, province, county or other area designation for postal purposes.
businesspostalcode Text A business area postal code.
businesscountry Text A business country name or code designation for postal purposes.
businessphone String A business phone number.